My GSD Bronson is Always Right By My Side

by T. Brewer

Dear German Shepherd Dog Lovers,

This is a photo of me and Bronson. He will be 3 years old tomorrow.

I am a severely disabled Army veteran with Gulf War Syndrome. There are times when I am too ill to leave the house for days.

Bronson gives me unconditional love. Because of him I am never lonely. In the photo I am recovering from pneumonia.

As always Bronson is right by my side. He brings so much joy to my life.

T. Brewer

P.S. I was taking photos of my flower garden when Bronson struck this pose. It is my favorite photo of him. Bronson, is 3 years old. I am a disabled
veteran who stays at home a lot. He has brought a lot of joy and love into my life.

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Apr 07, 2012
by: Linda Arnold - St Louis

First let me say thank you for your service in the Army. Your Bronson is Handsome and sounds like an Angel from Heaven!

ou can always count on him to take care of you and I know you take of your boy. He looks happy and healthy and enjoying the good life. God Bless Bronson and keep him safe.

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