14 week old female German Shepherd puppy

by Eric

we have a 14 week old female German Shepherd that we purchased from a breeder and we have all the papers and such, but she seem a little skinny and she has adjusted well with us the children as well as the cats.

but just doesnt seem very active for a puppy and just kinda lays around, but yet very loveable. we never had a german shepherd dog before so is this normal?

Total German Shepherd: It's good to hear that your German Shepherd puppy is doing well with your kitties and kiddies as well. Sometimes this can be a big hurdle to overcome.

As far as the laying around, it's kind of hard to diagnose anything without actually seeing her and what she does before and after the laying around. She's still pretty young and growing GSD puppies do sleep a lot and they mature so that might have something to do with it.

However if she is doing it a lot, if she's not playful, active and curious I would definitely have your vet to check her out to make sure that there's no underlying health reasons for her listlessness.

Good luck with your new German Shepherd puppy! :~)

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