Heal Your Dog Naturally

Are you familiar with "Heal Your Dog Naturally"? Sometime back while working on another project about the German Shepherd Dog I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with an incredibly intelligent scientist, who is also intensely interested in the healing abilities of dogs, and her name is Sara Rooney. And I would like to share that interview with you here.

So let me give you a little background information about Sara. As you will able to tell from our conversation below, Sarah lives in Australia, where she is a research scientist and does various other scientific studies based on the lives and health of animals.

She is a zoologist, a Research Scientist and a Naturopathic Physician as well and has a handful of degrees in various scientific areas. So what I'm trying to say is that Sara is one smart cookie.

And what I have included on this page below, is a recording of a conversation sometime back that Sara and I had - all about the health of dogs. Now Sara's big thing, as a research scientist, has always been being able to treat why a pet is sick - not just it's symptoms.

And if you listen to this interview (which is about an hour long) Sara will offer a lot of great tips you can use right now on your own dog - it doesn't have to be a German Shepherd either. And best of all, for those of you who would like to learn more, Sara has also created a really incredible ebook called "Heal Your Dog Naturally".

I don't know if you have thought about it or not, but more and more dogs seem to be suffering from serious health problems than I can ever remember before. Things like cancer, diabetes, joint problems, heart disease, skin problems and so much more. And it seems to be happening in younger and younger dogs too.

But I can tell you that if you would like to learn more useable advice to help treat the real cause of many of your dogs health problems, loads of ways to treat pain and other symptoms as well as being able to potentially increase the quality of life for your dog, and maybe even be able to extend their life as well, then I couldn't suggest a better book for you to check out than this book written by Sarah, Heal Your Dog Naturally".

I wish you continued health - for both you and your dog.

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" No symphony orchestra ever played music like a two-year-old girl laughing with a puppy." -- Bern Williams

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