A soft lump under left front leg...

by Sam Miller
(Los Angeles, CA)

Hello and thanks for reading,

Well, I found a soft lump near the arm pit of my 5 (almost 6) year old female GSD this weekend.

She seems very healthy and happy, eats well, plays and jumps with no issues.

We are going to the Vets this Coming Thursday to have it checked but how do I stay sane until then? I am very frightened for us. :(

Does anyone have some stories about this sort of thing that end happily?

Thanks so much,

Total German Shepherd:

I'm glad you found the lump and are taking your dog to the vet to have it checked. Try not to drive yourself too crazy in the meantime. But I know it will be on your mind.

In many cases these types of lumps are not cancerous or anything like that - in fact, I had 2 removed off my 9 year old German Shepherd a few years back and they were not anything bad - but it was still scary nonetheless. Turned out they were both cysts - I forget exactly what kind the vet said they were.

Either way, it is a good thing that you found them and are having your vet check them out - I wish you and your German Shepherd good luck! Surgery may be involved but just discuss your options with your vet.

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Sep 08, 2011
My GSD the Same
by: Mark

My GSD female had an exact fatty cyst like what you described. Went away on its own after a vet visit to confirm Give her a hug for me

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