German Shepherd pregnancy

by radha

2 months old German Shepherd

2 months old German Shepherd

Quinsy is our GSD and two years 3 months old.. she was mated recently for puppies.. how to confirm her pregnancy and how to take care of her specially during this period

Total German Shepherd: I would definitely encourage you to take her to your veterinarian to have the veterinarian check your dog out to see if she is pregnant - and also how far along she is if she is pregnant.

And if she is pregnant they can even give you an idea of how many puppies, etc., if she is far enough along in her pregnancy.

Assuming she is pregnant she will need more food and a really good food too to help the puppies develop. Plus supplements are a good way to help the puppies develop into strong little babies, such as Solid Gold Bonemeal.

I would also encourage you to read all you can about how to take care of a pregnant dog if you have never done so because there is a lot to know - very similar to the correct care of a pregnant human female.

By reading up, or even better, watching an actual video such as this PUPPY WHELPING DVD!, you'll be better prepared on what to expect when she is ready to whelp and all during the process before and after the puppies come because this is very different than human childbirth and the mom may need some help during the process too. Good luck!

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