German Shepherd stretching his back legs

by Robert
(New York)

Hi, I have a beautiful, male, 8 month old.

He runs, jumps and plays all the time.

I notice that very often, when he gets up from a laying down position, he stretches his back legs all the way back. Sometimes he will do this more than once when he is first getting up after laying down.

Is this anything to be concerned about.


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Dec 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have been rescuing and breeding dogs for many years and back leg stretching is normal. Just like how you stretch in the morning when you wake up, it is the same for dogs. Any other questions can email me at [email protected]

Jan 02, 2012
same thing
by: Anonymous

My 12 month old female does the same thing.
Any info would help.

Aug 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

Interestingly enough I have 2 GSD pups, about 18 weeks old who are also stretching like that, I was actually looking for an answer also. Would be interested to see if there is a reason for such stretching.

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