Is it okay to change our German Shepherd puppy to Puppy chow

by norman

is it ok to give a german sheperd puppy thats ten weeks old puppy chow its a female and we recently were giving it royal canin and she had diarrhea

Total German Shepherd:

Feeding German Shepherds is a big deal. It is fine to change your puppy to a new food if you need to for some reason but it has to be done in a certain way otherwise you're going to have a lot of problems with stomach distress.

You can't just change a dog or puppy from one food to another almost instantly without experiencing a lot of gastrointestinal problems.

You need to do it over a period of a few weeks as you slowly change the food from almost all old food with just a little new food (in each meal) to 2/3rd old food, 1/3 new food to 1/2 of each to 1/3 old food, 2/3 new food to ........ well I hope you get my drift.

The whole purpose here is to slowly change the German Shepherd dog or puppy from the old food to the new so that their digestive system has plenty of time to make the change with out all the issues such as diarrhea, etc.

And if you have the patience to do this slow planned switchover, then your dog should have much fewer problems than if you just fed the dog food A today (you ran out of it and went to the store today and bought a new brand of dog food instead of more of the same) and then gave it food B tomorrow.

Hope this helps with feeding German Shepherds - good luck with your new German Shepherd puppy.

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