It's only a Muppet
by Paul Isaac
Always the hugs my pal
Caspa we will always miss you, you muppet, Poppy still misses and loves to hear your name, you were robbed from us too young with terrible illness, hopefully now you are running free and wild with Kim, Scruffy, Flash and Zulu.
We know Scruffy came back to guide you over rainbow bridge and when you went we never heard that distinguished collar sound again, hope when it is Poppy's time you will guide her or assist Jerry Lee and we will perhaps hear your collar rattle
Total German Shepherd:
Paul, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet Caspa. Losing a pet is hard so give yourself plenty of time to grieve and in time your tears will be replaced with smiles. And I hope that you are doing well during that transition period since it varies greatly from person to person.
The picture you included of Caspa was so sweet. It's obvious that Caspa meant a lot to you and was a beloved friend. Feel safe in the knowledge now that your sweet pet is no longer hurting and is waiting to be with you one day.
Take care of yourself and God bless you in the meantime! And thanks for sharing Caspa with us all.