Thanks again for sharing the wonderful video showing the puppy Tank during his Schutzhund protection training process. Its really nice seeing how patient all the trainers and handlers were with him throughout the process.
Next, I would like to tell everyone, please do not try and recreate these activities if you have no prior training in the right way to do it. If you want to train your dog in these sorts of methods, find a schutzhund club in your area, join it and learn the right way.
He seems to be really doing well and is progressing along quite nicely. That little stubby tail was just quivering during the whole process. ;)
It's important for people to see training sessions like these - especially to see how the dogs are taught to bite - and even more importantly, how they are taught the right way to bite in a situation like that.
The old days when the dogs in law enforcement were taught to hate people and just bite indiscriminately in police work are long gone (thank goodness). Videos such as this promote the amount of training that goes into making a good dog even better.
You can definitely see the progress in your German Shepherd puppy and how Tank gets more confident on each account of meeting up with the "bad guy with the sleeve". I have to admit, I thought the guy in the red shoes near the end, was about to fall down during the process! An accident waiting to happen. ;)
Continued success with Tank. That little German Shepherd puppy is going to be one super schutzhund protection master one day if he keeps going like he is now.