Lars, My 6 year old, 120-pound Male German Shepherd

by Jennifer Bange

Lars, My Male German Shepherd

Lars, My Male German Shepherd

Total German Shepherd Dog:

My name is Jennifer Bange, and I am signed up for your website...

This is Lars, my 6 year old, 120-pound male German shepherd after tracking through the tall mustard flowers one afternoon. Lars has three titles in tracking and is able to track on grass and dirt.

We are members of the San Jose German shepherd dog club and are just starting to get involved with the Monterey Bay Search and Rescue organization. Lars is very skilled with his nose! He also enjoys agility and has his own tunnel, scaling wall, jumps, and teeter totter in my backyard.

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Sep 22, 2015
German Shepard
by: Robin

Great dogs, they are so smart. Have an 8 yr old 130 lb Shepard, we walk 3 miles together every morning for years. Very protective, especially when black bears are around.

Jul 27, 2013
Lars, My 6 year old, 120-lb Male German Shepherd
by: Linda Arnold - St Louis

Lars is a good looking Shepherd! That's great he is a working Shepherd for a good cause. He sounds like is a busy, I hope he gets time in for a good play.

Lars has accomplish a lot and good luck in the future with his skills as a Search and Rescue dog. Take care of your boy and he will always take care of you!

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