My Beloved German Shepherd, "Duke"
by Robertson
Duke was born on May 2008. He was a Belgian Shepard and we bought him on August 2008 so that our German Shepard "Nemo" could have someone to play and keep each other company. We had the pleasure of having him as part of our family for over a year.
He turned out to be a beautiful dog. We loved him very much. He was our "big" baby. By the time he was six months old he was a very big puppy, bigger than our German Shepard.
We would take them to get groomed every month and since we live so close to the border with Mexico, we made the horrible mistake of taking them over there because it was "cheaper".
To make a long story short, one of the times my husband took them, he would have to drop them off because it would take about two hours, when he came back to pick them up, he noticed that Duke was too quiet and very drowsy.
He questioned the veterinarian as to why and he said that they had had to sedate the dog because he wouldn't stay still and was too hyper.
Well unbeknowst to us, dogs are not suppose to be sedated under no circumstances, least of all without the consent of the owner. Well on the way back home, the dog had a seizure and then a string of blood came out of his mouth. My husband took him back to the groomer and unfortunately there was nothing more that could be done, he had died.
To make matters worse he couldn't bring him back because it was dead and they wouldn't let you cross him back. The dog was healthy and to this day we don't know what happened. We, especially our kids, were in complete shock and couldn't comprehend what had happened.
We lost a very important part of our family and are afraid to get another dog because we don't want to go through something like that ever again. I just want to say "Duke, I'm sorry for sending you over there and regret it every day". We Miss You Very Much, Thanks for the memories!