My K-9 Soulmate, RIP

by Liz

My beautiful German Shepherd Nikki

My beautiful German Shepherd Nikki

My beautiful Nikki was a very unexpected and special Christmas gift in 1990. She was my first German Shepherd and she knew my every mood. If I was upset, she was right there looking at me with intense eyes.

I had her for over 12 years, she's been gone for almost 11 years and miss her just as much today as I did the day I said goodbye for now.

Total German Shepherd:

Hey Liz,

Thanks so much for sharing your story with us about your GSD, Nikki. I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved friend. She was a beautiful German Shepherd Dog, and I know, a great companion to you also.

It is never easy to say goodbye to such a trusted friend but the memories do stay with us forever. And I am sure that you have more than your fair share of good memories of Nikki.

The picture that you sent of her is wonderful and it is scary that she looks so much like a German Shepherd that I owned about that same period of time. Also a female. Weird how that works.

Again, I truly appreciate your story and the fact that you let us know a little more about her too. And I wish you nothing but the best in the future. And lots more good memories of Nikki too.

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Nov 20, 2013
My K-9 Soulmante, Rip
by: Linda Arnold - St Louis

I feel for you as I know your Heartbreak very well. We lost our Lab, Ebony she was 12 years old and 2 weeks later, by the God's mysterious ways he gave us Mia, our GSD at 3 months old to fill our crying Hearts, we Love her so much too and she is so much Fun and so Protective.

Dogs are Wonderful no matter what breed and they give us that unconditional Love. I know your beloved Nikki could never be replace but hopefully you can fulfill your aching Heart again. Take care and God Bless Nikki.

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