My Sable GSDs 1st Day With Us

by Scott

Hello all,

My name is Scott this is a picture of my GSD Sable on the first day that we got her. She is about to turn 4 years old this month.

Hopefully yall will pick her for GSD of the month, she loves to ride around in my truck and doesn't like to be outside for a long time she was raised inside her whole life.


Scott Craton

Total German Shepherd:

Hey there, Scott. It is good to hear from you way over in SC. Thanks so much for taking the time to come by here and sharing your sable German Shepherd puppies story with us all today.

Love the picture - she looks soooooo comfortable just riding around in the truck on her way to her new home! So sweet and I'm sure a picture that you adore - especially these 4 years later.

And I'm sure she's been a great a great dog for you. If you ever have more time please come back and tell us what has been going on all the time in between that picture and now.

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