My Wonderful GSD Rambo

by Ileana Popovici
(New York)

I have posted several stories about my wonderful boy Rambo. He entered my life when he was 2 months old and he arrived from Oklahoma. He was a ball of fuzzy black fur when I held him in my arms for the first time. He is now 16 month old and he grew into a gorgeous dog.

It wasn't easy to raise my rambunctious Rambo, but we both came a long way. I didn't know too much about training GSDs, but I bought books and DVDs by professional trainers and both Rambo and I learned how to get better. I did all the training and I am pretty happy with the results.

He is my buddy, my friend and a beloved member of my family. I wanted a GSD for a long time and I am very happy to finally have one. GSDs are everything I heard they are (beautiful, smart, loyal) and more. I am looking forward to a long, happy life together.

Total German Shepherd:

Thanks Ileana for posting your great story about your German Shepherd Rambo. So now it's all up to the rest of you Total German Shepherd readers. You can all share your own German Shepherd stories with us as often as you'd like.

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Jun 22, 2011
Your GSD Rambo
by: Linda A - St Louis

Yes, GSD are wonderful, loyal and very protective. Some people just don't get it, that one can love their dog just so much; like a child. They will never experience that kind of bond. You know, I feel sorry them because they don't know what they are missing.

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