Our GSD breeder directory provides German Shepherd Breeders the opportunity to help our visitors find their next German Shepherd puppy.
So, if you want to place an ad in our Breeder directory you can.
By spotlighting your German Shepherds in our directory, you can reach a highly targeted audience at a fraction of the cost of any radio, newspaper, TV or yellow-pages ads.
People seeking German Shepherd Dog information find total-german-shepherd.com through our top search engine rankings. So if you are a GSD breeder, dog trainer, veterinarian, kennel or offer other German Shepherd related services, and would like to be listed in a directory that reaches a highly targeted audience, then you have certainly come to the right place.
A professional listing in our directory can give you and your kennel, services or animals the added exposure you need, allowing you the ability to bring qualified traffic to your service by presenting yourself to precisely the right audience.
To be included in our GSD directory, you MUST provide German Shepherd related services or products. There are two options for listings in our directory:
Join Total-German-Shepherd.com,
the #1 German Shepherd Dog resource on the 'net
A Top 1% Website with over 40,000 visitors every month!
Select the Best Option For You...
Then just click the "Subscribe" button to order your listing.
Premium Listing - Option 1Includes All of the Following:
• A Full, One Page Listing $75.00 For An ENTIRE YEAR (works out to only $6.25 /mo) paid annually
Basic Listing - Option 2
Note: GSD Breeders Who Subscribe to Option 1
If you choose to, you can unsubscribe from the GSD Breeder Directory by logging into to your PayPal account and cancelling your subscription - then when your subscription rolls around the next time we would simply remove your directory ad from our site.
Unfortunately we can not offer refunds once payment transactions are completed but by unsubscribing you would not be charged the next annual payment from automatically being made to your account by PayPal.
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"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet." - Colette
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